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A Car Manufacturer’s Challenge: All Electric Cars By 2020

The gauntlet has been thrown down by the car manufacturing industry to convert to all electric cars by 2020. The reasoning behind this is the fact that environmentally engineered cars utilize clean electricity through solar panels and other clean energy components. The fact is that fossil fuels such as gasoline are a non renewable source of energy. The reality is that the electric car market is still pretty much in its infancy, even though the technology is there.

What is the history of the electric car market?
The electric car market has been increasing exponentially since the advent of the electric car battery in the mid 1990s. The history of the electric car actually goes back to 1890s. At that time, it was more of a novelty than anything else and the idea died. The rebirth of the electric car coincided with the energy conscious and experimental technology driven scientists of the 1970s. They needed a vehicle that would reduce or eliminate the need for fossil fuels. For a brief time, there was a good small market for these vehicles, but they proved to be unreliable and slow.

It wasn't until 1997, that the technology was perfected into a hybrid vehicle that used both electricity and fossil fuels to run. Hybrids became very popular with the environmentally conscious consumer. As the technology evolved, scientists came up with ways to improve the performance of the hybrids. In time scientists also uncovered ways to create an electric car battery that would replace the fossil fuel portion completely.

What is the electric car market like now?
Globally the electric car market has grown considerably in the past few years as new technologies have perfected the performance of the all-electric cars to run efficiently in all types of traffic situations. Improvements in charging capability and ease of use have made electric cars a must have for the environmentally conscious consumer.

The market, however, is still pretty much in its infancy. Fossil fuels still run in about 90 percent of vehicles on the road. The other 10 percent is either hybrid vehicles or all-electric vehicles.

According to International Energy Agency's 2013 report, the demand for electric vehicles will have to increase 72 percent to reach the challenge of 100% all-electric car output by 2020. Granted the market has skyrocketed in the past few years with demands for electric car batteries growing exponentially, but there is still a segment of the population that wants traditionally fossil fuel run cars.

What are the obstacles in mass producing electric cars?
There are still some significant obstacles that electric car manufacturers face in producing electric cars for the masses. Technology has increased the productivity of electric cars, but has not addressed all the technical issues as yet. There are also financial issues involved with the cost of the electric cars in regards to the general public.

Can it be done? What are the benefits of mass producing electric cars?
Undoubtedly the market is ripe for an explosion of all-electric cars in the marketplace. The mindset however is that fossil fuel traditional cars are still cheaper than all-electric cars. The price of an all-electric car is still too expensive to mass produce in any great quantity. There is some indication that the price of the essential electric car battery has dropped, so this could mean that there is a possibility that the car manufacturers can meet this challenge.

There are definitely some good benefits with an all-electric car. Saving the environment is what is often touted as the main reason why someone would invest in an all-electric car. The ease of use and the awesome technology enhanced features that come automatically in an all-electric car are probably what will "sell' today's technology oriented generation.

About Author: This article was written by Stefan G, a tech geek and Linux fan from Austria. At the present moment he maintains firmware and driver download website called http://www.helpjet.net/


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